Is VFS for or against bans on rifles and standard capacity magazines?
VFS is not concerned with the legislative side of the gun debate. We concern ourselves solely with the topic of safety and responsibility. In this spirit, the only comment VFS has to make on the topic of rifles is that they should be kept locked and unloaded and away from children and the mentally unstable, just like any other firearm one might own.
What does VFS believe in?
VFS believes that a third voice is needed in the gun debate. More than common ground, we believe in common values that resonate with people, both gun owners and non-gun owners alike. The common value is opposition to unnecessary violence and death due to irresponsible behavior. We focus on individual voluntary actions, taken on by individuals, to avoid gun violence.
How is VFS not at odds with gun ownership?
We are not involved in legislation. We simply want to initiate a discussion between gun and non-gun owners regarding how to minimize gun violence through greater care, smarter ownership and a culture in which responsibility becomes a more socially desirable attribute.
Why does VFS interact with known anti-gun entities if it claims to be pro gun?
VFS is interested in sparking a different sort of conversation regarding firearms that includes people and organizations from both sides, it is imperative that we interact with both pro and anti-gun entities.
How is VFS Â a "third voice"?
The firearm debate has become focused on legislation and has devolved into a fight over ownership rights. VFS hopes to affect a position change on gun culture, one that will prevent needless deaths without restricting gun ownership rights.
More violence happens without firearms. Doesn't VFS care about those people?
VFS is specifically focused upon firearm safety. As a result, it is concerned primarily with violence that comes from a lack of firearm responsibility. The broader scope of violence in the USA and the world is something that is fought by other organizations and campaigns; firearm responsibility is our niche, and where we feel we can make lasting change.
Is VFS pro or anti second amendment?
Neither, VFS is about making the point that it's up to you, the individual gun owner to not abuse your privileges and to act responsibly.
The NRA already handles safety, so why not leave it to them?
The NRA spends a tiny fraction of its budget on safety. We also believe the NRA is very selective in the areas that they support, and leaves many important safety and responsibility issues untouched for political reasons, resulting in a huge void that VFS seeks to help fill.